Zuri Zanzibar LEGAL













A.           GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS for Sale of Accommodation in Hotel ZURI ZANZIBAR

1.            RECITALS

1.1         These General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter the “Terms”) are related to the website of hotel Zuri Zanzibar (hereinafter the “Hotel”) operated by company Unique Hotel Services s.r.o., Na Florenci 2116/15, Prague 1, 110 00, Czech Republic, ICO 06150501, DIC CZ06150501 (hereinafter “UHS”), accessible at www.zurizanzibar.com (hereinafter the “Website”).

1.2         All customers, prospective customers and all the Website’s visitors (hereinafter the “Clients”) confirm that they have full legal capacity to commit to the Terms.

1.3         For the purposes of these Terms, a consumer as described in Section 419 of the Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code (hereinafter the “Civil Code”) means any individual (natural person) who, outside his/her trade, business or profession, enters into a contract or has other dealings with UHS.

1.4         These Terms apply only to the Clients who are consumers.

1.5         The Clients agree to the Terms; no reservation and/or other cooperation is possible without accepting of the Terms.

1.6         All Clients thereby confirm that they have read and accepted the Terms available on the Website.

1.7         The Clients confirm the receipt of all the necessary information contained on the Website from UHS. These information contain price list, fees, taxes, overview of offered accommodation, meal plans, services, deposit and cancellation policy, privacy policy, cookies policy etc.

2.            SUBJECT OF THE TERMS

2.1         These Terms regulate in particular:

a)            scope of application;

b)            accommodation agreement;

c)            contact details;

d)            Hotel booking system and its vacancies;

e)            complaint handling policy;

f)            rights from the faulty performance;

g)            signing up for receiving Hotel news;

h)            providing of relevant tourist and business information;

i)             prices and taxes;

j)             other general information;

k)            force majeure;

l)             amending of these Terms.


3.1         These Terms apply to all reservations made on the Internet, via the Website and in other related acts and legal relationships with the Clients of UHS.


4.1         These Terms are integral part of the accommodation agreement concluded between the Client and UHS (hereinafter the “Accommodation Agreement”) as well as any other agreement concluded between the Client and UHS.

4.2         Subject matter of the Accommodation Agreement is provision of accommodation in the Hotel with specifications of the accommodation (and related services, if any) as ordered by the Client and confirmed by UHS for a definite period of time determined by the length of accommodation.

4.3         The Accommodation Agreement is concluded for a definite period of time; from the moment stated in clause 6.8 till the end of the accommodation.

4.4         The Accommodation Agreement and the relationship arising from the Accommodation Agreement between UHS and the Client is regulated by these Terms, the Civil Code, the Act No. 634/1992 Coll., on Protection of Consumer, and the accommodation order of the Hotel.

4.5         In case of any discrepancies between these Terms and the Accommodation Agreement, the wording of the Accommodation Agreement shall prevail.

4.6         UHS does not charge any fees for conclusion of the Accommodation Agreement.

5.            CONTACT DETAILS

Address of the Hotel:                       Zuri Zanzibar, Kendwa, P.O.Box 3381, Zanzibar

Address of UHS:                                Unique Hotel Services s.r.o., Na Florenci 2116/15, Prague 1, 110 00, Czech Republic

Email:                                                    info@zurizanzibar.com

Reservation centre telephone:       00420 226 202 981

Reservation centre email:                 reservations@zurizanzibar.com


6.1         UHS’s Website shows current vacancies of the bungalows, suites and villas and the prospective Client is welcome to make a reservation for any of the available thereof.

6.2         The Client shall choose a date of check-in and check-out which enables him/her to find available bungalows, suites and villas. Despite the reservation system is being continuously updated, UHS does not guarantee provision of the reserved bungalows, suites and villas. Each reservation (including those made via telephone or personally) must be confirmed by UHS’s confirmation email. Reservations which require payment of the deposit will be confirmed by UHS within forty eight (48) hours after the payment of such a deposit is received by UHS.

6.3         The Client is obliged to provide his/her personal data as required by the booking engine in order to fulfil the reservation. The reservation is completed by payment of the deposit as per the applicable deposit policy described on the booking engine. The Client takes into account that in case of certain offers, the deposit consists of the total price of the selected accommodation. The Client also takes into account that certain offers are non-refundable.

6.4        The deposit can be paid by a credit/debit card or by other means specified on the booking engine / by the Reservation Department. Unless agreed otherwise, payment can be subject to bank fees which are to be borne by the Client. Amex cards are charged in local currency (CZK). The amount is calculated and based on the exchange rate of Unique Hotel Services s.r.o. which is delivered from the Czech National Bank. In the case of any potential refund to the provided Amex card, the transaction will be processed in CZK currency in the same amount as the payment. The third party payments by a credit/debit cards are not allowed due to the security reasons. The provided card has to be shown and provided at check-in.

6.5         The confirmation email confirms Client’s reservation or provides further information in cases where the requested accommodation is unavailable. If that is the case, UHS will offer available accommodation as substitute taking into account Client’s previous specifications.

6.6         The Client is obliged to confirm the substitute accommodation by an email within forty eight (48) hours, otherwise the reservation will be cancelled. If the Client refuses the substitute accommodation or the reservation is cancelled due to an unconfirmed substitute accommodation, UHS is obliged to return the deposit to the Client within thirty (30) days.

6.7         If UHS has no substitute accommodation, UHS will inform the Client accordingly and will return the deposit to the client within thirty (30) days.

6.8         The Accommodation Agreement between UHS and the Client is concluded by:

a)            receiving of UHS’s confirmation email by the Client; or

b)            receiving of the Client‘s acceptance email of the substitute accommodation by UHS.

6.9         If the Client cancels the reservation (withdraws from the Accommodation Agreement), a cancellation fee applies according to the relevant deposit and cancellation policy described on the booking engine. If a non-refundable reservation is cancelled by the Client the total paid price remains to UHS as a cancellation fee. Cancellation must be made in writing.

6.10       Form of the withdrawal notice / cancellation

(The Client/s shall fill in this form and send it back to UHS in case the Client/s decide/s to withdraw from the Accommodation Agreement / cancel the reservation)

Withdrawal notice / cancellation of the reservation

Unique Hotel Services s.r.o.

Na Florenci 2116/15

110 00 Prague 1

Czech Republic


I / We*, the Client/s*, hereby withdraw* from the Accommodation Agreement no. [●] concluded on [●] / cancel* the reservation no. [●] from [●].

Name/s* of the Client/s*

Address/es* of the Clients*

Signature/s* (if sent electronically and the Client/s dispose/s of an electronic signature/s, or if sent via post)


(*delete if non-applicable)


7.1         In case of any discrepancies between the ordered and provided accommodation (and services, if any) according to the Accommodation Agreement, the Clients are entitled to provide UHS with their complaints.

7.2         Unless the complaints are immediately resolved by the employees of the Hotel and/or by UHS during the duration of the Accommodation Agreement, all complaints must be filed in writing within thirty (30) days after the termination (i.e. the end of the duration) of the Accommodation Agreement.

7.3         The complaints shall be filed via e-mail to info@zurizanzibar.com or via post to the address of UHS.

7.4         All complaints shall be conducted within thirty (30) days, unless UHS and the Client agree on a longer time period.

7.5         In case a dispute arising from the Accommodation Agreement between UHS and a Client could not be solved via mutual agreement, a Client can file a request for the initiation of ADR proceedings at the relevant authority that is:

Czech Trade Inspection Authority

ADR Department

Štěpánská 15

120 00 Prague 2

E-mail: adr@coi.cz

Web: adr.coi.cz

7.6         A Client can also use a designated ODR Platform accessible online at https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/odr/main/index.cfm?event=main.home.show&lng=CS.


8.1         A Client is entitled to withdraw from the Accommodation Agreement without undue delay after he/she finds out that he/she is not provided with the ordered bungalow, suite and/or villa and/or other service, provided that it was ordered in compliance with these Terms and the Accommodation Agreement. In this case UHS is obliged to return to the Client the price that the Client paid within fourteen (14) days from the withdrawal.

8.2         The Client is entitled to be provided with accommodation in a similar category in the Hotel, if available, if he/she is not provided with the ordered bungalow, suite and/or villa that was ordered in compliance with these Terms and the Accommodation Agreement, provided that the Client does not withdraw from the Accommodation Agreement under clause 8.1. UHS will provide the Client with a possibility to change the accommodation for the previously ordered bungalow, suite and/or villa once it becomes available again.

8.3         Should there be no similar accommodation available in the Hotel, the Client is entitled to be provided with accommodation in a similar category property outside the Hotel at no extra cost and with a courtesy transfer to new accommodation if he/she is not provided with the ordered bungalow, suite and/or villa that was ordered in compliance with these Terms and the Accommodation Agreement, provided that the Client does not withdraw from the Accommodation Agreement under clause 8.1. UHS will provide the Client with a possibility to return back to the Hotel to the previously ordered bungalow, suite and/or villa once it becomes available again.

8.4         A Client is entitled to request a discount from the price that the Client paid if he/she is not provided with the ordered bungalow, suite and/or villa and/or other service, provided that it was ordered in compliance with these Terms and the Accommodation Agreement and provided that the Client does not withdraw from the Accommodation Agreement under clause 8.1 nor accepts alternative accommodation under clause 8.2. A request for the discount must be filed in writing during the duration of the Accommodation Agreement or within thirty (30) days after the termination (i.e. the end of the duration) of the Accommodation Agreement. Such a request shall be conducted within thirty (30) days, unless UHS and the Client agree on a longer time period.


9.1         Clients interested in the Hotel’s and Zanzibar’s news are welcome to sign up for receiving UHS’s newsletter.

10.         INFORMATION

10.1       The Website contains information regarding UHS and the Hotel and accommodation as well as tourist information regarding Zanzibar, offers of trips, excursions, sport activities etc. UHS informs the Clients that information on the Website do not have to be actual and valid even under circumstances when the Website is periodically updated.

10.2       UHS has no liability for the verity and relevancy of the information contained on the Website which is not exclusively related to the Hotel. UHS has no obligation to update the information contained on its Website and does so only at its own will.

11.         PRICES AND TAXES

11.1       All prices are charged in accordance with effective price list. All prices are complete and include all necessary taxes and extra ordered services (if any).

11.2       The Clients are informed about all prices, including all fees and taxes prior the conclusion of the Accommodation Agreement from the booking engine.

11.3       Amending of the price list is fully at UHS’s discretion. Price list might be amended without previous notification to the Clients. Each price is governed by the price list which is effective when the Accommodation Agreement is concluded.


12.1       All legal relations among the Clients and UHS shall be governed by the laws of the Czech Republic. If a Client has entered into an Accommodation Agreement while residing in another country, the application of mandatory law of such country shall not be affected by the previous sentence.

12.2       The invalidity or unenforceability of any of these provisions shall not affect, impair or invalidate these Terms. If any provision in the Accommodation Agreement becomes or would become invalid or legally unenforceable, it will not affect the validity and enforceability of the other provisions of the Accommodation Agreement. If any provision of these Terms conflicts with the mandatory legal provisions, the applicable mandatory provisions shall apply.

12.3       The official language for communication with UHS is Czech (or English if the Client requests so). All claims, complaints and other official communication must be in Czech (or English if the Client requests so).

12.4       Each of prospective binding communication must be noticed in written form. Written form includes email communication. Other informal communication might be provided in oral (face-to-face) form or via phone.

12.5       The Accommodation Agreement is concluded in electronic form in Czech language (or English if the Client requests so). The Accommodation Agreement is archived after its conclusion by UHS, and at the Client’s written request it will be sent to him/her by means of a distance communication (preferably via e-mail). The essential terms of the Accommodation Agreement, including the identification of the Client, are not accessible to the public. The current wording of these Terms is always published on the Website. Already inoperative versions of the Terms are archived by UHS and are not publicly available on the Website.

12.6       The Client agrees to use means of a distance communication. The Client does not incur costs associated with the use of a distance communication means. The Client only generates his/her own costs, such as the cost of his Internet connection, the cost of his/her telephone calls, which he/she bears.

12.7       The UHS is not bound by any codes of conduct in relation to the Client under Section 1826(1)(e) of the Civil Code.

13.         FORCE MAJEURE

13.1       Force majeure is understood to be any event beyond the control of UHS of an unpredictable and insurmountable nature that prevents UHS from fulfilling all or part of the obligations set out in the Accommodation Agreement or other related agreement governed by these Terms. Cases of force majeure or fortuitous events are considered to be those that would usually be recognized by the jurisprudence of the Czech courts. UHS will not be liable to the Client in the event of a breach of its obligations resulting from an event of force majeure. It is expressly agreed that force majeure suspends UHS from the execution of its obligations and that UHS shall not bear the burden of the resulting costs in the extent allowed by the applicable law.


14.1       Amending of these Terms is fully at UHS’s discretion. These Terms might be amended without previous notification to the Clients. In all cases the Accommodation Agreement is throughout its effectiveness governed by the Terms contained in the version which is current at the time the Accommodation Agreement was concluded.


15.1       These Terms become effective on 1st December 2017.




Please refer to section A. General Terms and Conditions 7.5 and 7.6.





1.1         This Privacy Policy (hereinafter the “Privacy Policy”) is related to processing of personal data by the company Unique Hotel Services s.r.o., with its registered office at Na Florenci 2116/15, Prague 1, 110 00, Czech Republic, Company ID: 06150501 as the data controller (hereinafter “UHS”) which collects and processes personal data about its customers, prospective customers and persons whose data were given to UHS by its customers (hereinafter referred to as the “Data” and the “Clients”) in connection to the services provided on the website of the hotel Zuri Zanzibar accessible at www.zurizanzibar.com (hereinafter the “Website”).

1.2         The Data are processed in compliance with the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council known as “General Data Protection Regulation“ (hereinafter the “GDPR”).

1.3         UHS is a joint controller together with the company White Sands Beach Resorts Ltd, with its registered office at Kendwa, P.O.Box 3381, Shangani Post Office, Zanzibar – Tanzania, Company ID: L13662008 (hereinafter referred to as “WSBR”, UHS and WSBR together referred to as the “Controllers”).

1.4         Contact details of the Controllers:


Company name: Unique Hotel Services s.r.o.

Registered office: Na Florenci 2116/15, Prague 1, 110 00, Czech Republic

Company ID number: 06150501

Phone: +420 226 202 981

Email: sales@zurizanzibar.com

Website: www.zurizanzibar.com


Company name: White Sands Beach Resorts Ltd

Registered office: Kendwa, P.O.Box 3381, Shangani Post Office, Zanzibar – Tanzania

Company ID number: L13662008

Phone: +420 226 202 981

Email: info@zurizanzibar.com

Website: www.zurizanzibar.com


2.1         The Controllers have entered into an agreement which determinates their respective responsibilities for compliance with the obligations under the GDPR (hereinafter the “Joint Controllers Agreement”).

2.2         The Controllers have agreed that both UHS and WSBR shall be responsible for compliance with its obligations under applicable data protection laws.

2.3         UHS shall be responsible for complying with the obligation to provide information to the Clients regarding their Data processing.

2.4         UHS shall be responsible for obligations as regards the exercising of Clients’ rights.

2.5         The contact point for Clients’ requests and/or complaints shall be UHS (please see UHS’s contact detail in clause 1.4 above).

2.6         The Controllers shall cooperate with each other and shall provide each other a necessary cooperation when dealing with Client’s requests and complaints and complying with their respective obligations under applicable data protection laws.


3.1         The Controllers are entitled to amend this Privacy Policy. Amendments to this Privacy Policy become effective upon the release of their updated version on the Website. If you use our Website after updating the Privacy Policy, it will be understood as your consent to the updated version of the Privacy Policy.


4.1         While browsing on the Website, certain information may be collected passively by means of various techniques and tools, such as IP addresses, cookies (i.e. without the Clients actually providing any information).

4.2         For detailed information about the cookies and other tracking technologies used on the Website, please see our Cookies Policy. In the Cookies Policy you will find information what cookies means and how cookies and tracking technologies may be disabled. If you do not disable cookies or other tracking technologies, you are deemed to have agreed to their use.


5.1         This Privacy Policy does not regulate the data privacy, information provision and other practices of external partners, for which UHS has no responsibility, including external partners operating websites or web areas (including without limitation applications) which can be accessed through the Website or which a link in the Website points to. The accessibility of or any link on our Website to such website or web area shall not be construed as the Controllers’ or any of the Controllers’ affiliate’s approval of such site.



6.1.1      What Data do we process?

For the purposes of making reservations of the accommodation, the Controllers collect and process following Data:

a)            name and surname;

b)            contact information including permanent residence and email address;

c)            credit card data;

d)            age of child.

6.1.2      Why do we need this Data?

Data processing is necessary for the performance of the rights and obligations under the accommodation agreement entered into between the Client and UHS. Provision of these Data is a requirement to enter into contract, i.e. the accommodation agreement. In case that the Client does not provide this Data, it will not be possible to make a reservation of accommodation and conclude the accommodation agreement.

6.1.3      For how long do we keep this Data?

The Data necessary for the purposes of making reservation of the accommodation are processed and stored within the time period of duration of the reservation and adequate time after the termination of a legal relationship among the Clients and UHS for purposes of a potential related dispute. This period generally does not exceed 3 years from the termination of the reservation, however in some cases the Data may be stored for longer period of time given specific circumstances of individual cases.


6.2.1      What Data do we process?

For the purposes of direct marketing, in particular for registration for receiving newsletters, UHS collects and processes following Data:

a)            name and surname;

b)            email address.

6.2.2      Why do we need this Data?

Data processing is necessary for sending commercial communications to the Clients.

The commercial communications will be sent to the Client only if the Client gives his or her consent to receiving this commercial communication.

It is deemed that, in accordance with Section 7 of Act No. 480/2004 Coll. on Certain Information Society Services and on the Amendment of Certain Acts (Act on Certain Information Society Services), the consent for the use of the Data for these purposes was granted in connection with reservation of accommodation on the Website.

In other cases, the Clients interested in the hotel Zuri Zanzibar and Zanzibar news are welcome to sign up for receiving the newsletter and other information.

Provision of these Data is neither a statutory nor a contractual obligation, nor it is a requirement to enter into a contract. Provision of Data for this purpose is voluntary.

6.2.3      For how long do we keep this Data?

The Data necessary for the purposes of direct marketing are processed and stored for the time period of duration of the consent of the Client. The Client is entitled to withdraw this consent at any time by contacting UHS at one of the contact detail above.


6.3.1      What Data do we process?

The Data are processed for purposes of prevention and safety of property and persons, and to respond to outstanding debts. For these reasons, the Controllers may decide to include in the category of “blacklisted” Clients, any Client whose behaviour has been inappropriate in the following ways: aggression and rudeness, non-compliance with the accommodation agreement, failure to observe safety rules, theft, damage and vandalism, or payment issues. The status of blacklisted may cause a refusal of the Client’s reservation. The Data relating to the identity and blacklisted status of the Client are intended for authorized personnel of the Controllers. For these purposes the Controllers collect and process following Data:

c)            name and surname;

d)            date of birth.

6.3.2      Why do we need this Data?

Data processing is necessary for purposes of the legitimate interest pursued by the Controllers which is described above.

6.3.3      For how long do we keep this Data?

The Data necessary for this purpose are processed and stored for period of time which generally does not exceed  3 years from the termination of the reservation, however in some cases the Data may be stored for longer period of time given specific circumstances of individual cases.



7.1.1      The Data collected and processed by the Controllers may be made available to our contractual partners (e.g. Design Hotels AG, a company with its registered office at Stralauer Allee 2c, 10245 Berlin, Germany) and external service providers in order to enable them to provide services such as web site administration, data analysis, payment processing, infrastructure provision, IT services, email and direct messages service, verification services and other services.

7.1.2      The Data will be stored on servers located in Zanzibar which forms part of the United Republic of Tanzania. In order to ensure an adequate level of protection of your Data, the Controllers provide appropriate safeguards, in particular by entering into standard data protection contractual clauses adopted by the European Commission. A full text of the data protection clauses entered into between the Joint Controllers is available at http://ec.europa.eu/justice/data-protection/international-transfers/files/clauses_for_personal_data_transfer_set_ii_c2004-5721.doc.


7.2.1      The Client has the right to access the Data and to obtain information from the Controllers. The Controllers shall provide a copy of the Data being processed free of charge. For any further copies requested by the Client, the Controllers may charge a reasonable fee.

7.2.2      By exercising the right to rectification, the Client also has the right to have incomplete personal Data completed. Taking into account the purposes of the processing, the Client shall have the right to have the incomplete or incorrect  Data completed, including by the means of providing a supplementary statement.

7.2.3      In the case of the Client exercising his or her right to erasure, the Controllers has the obligation to erase personal Data.

7.2.4      The Client has the right to object to the processing of his or her personal Data under the Clause 6.3 (on grounds related to his or her particular situation) at any time.

7.2.5      The Client has the right to obtain restriction of processing from the Controllers.

7.2.6      Where the Data are processed on the basis of the Client’s consent (i.e. Data processing under the Clause 6.2), the Client may exercise the right to withdraw the consent at any time by way described in Clause 6.2 of this Privacy Policy.

7.2.7      Regarding the right to data portability, the Client has the right to receive from the Controllers the personal Data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and the right to transmit those Data to another controller. Where it is technically feasible, the Client shall have the right to have the personal Data transmitted directly from one controller to another. This right is restricted only to Data processing in case of Clause 6.2 of this Privacy Policy.

7.2.8      Regarding automated individual decision-making and profiling, where decisions are based solely on automated processing (including profiling), the Client has the right to be excluded from such activity.

7.2.9      Every Client has the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory (data protection) authority if the Client considers that the processing of his or her personal Data infringes the GDPR. The contact details of the Czech Office for Protection of Personal Data (Úřad pro ochranu osobních údajů) are: https://www.uoou.cz/; address: Pplk. Sochora 27, 170 00 Prague 7, Czech Republic; telephone: +420 234 665 111.

7.2.10    Every Client has the right to an effective judicial remedy where he or she considers that the processing of his or her personal Data has resulted in infringement of the GDPR as well as the right to claim compensation before the court.





1.            Introduction

1.1         What is a ‘cookie’?

‘Cookies’ are small data files, used as unique identifiers. Each cookie is unique to your web browser. A cookie contains anonymous information and is sent from the server of the website you are viewing to your computer or mobile phone. It will be stored on your device and only that server will be able to retrieve or read the contents of that cookie. Sent cookies may be sent back to the website’s servers with updated data as you browse the website.

Cookies may be set by the website you are visiting (‘first party cookies’) or they may be set by organization which are not the owner of the website you are viewing (‘third party cookies’).  For example, they may be set by other websites which run content on the page you are viewing or by a third party analytics company. The website you are visiting may also contain content embedded from other website and these sites may also set their own cookies.  A website might use a third party advertising network to deliver targeted advertising. These cookies may also be able to track your browsing across different sites.

There are two types of cookie, described below.

Session cookies

Session cookies are stored only temporarily during a browsing session and are deleted from your device when the browser is closed.

Persistent cookies

This type of cookie is saved on your computer for a fixed period (usually a year or longer) and is not deleted when the browser is closed. Persistent cookies are used to identify you from one browsing session to the next, for example, to store your preferences, so that they are remembered for the next visit.

2.            How do we use cookies?

We use cookies to improve your user experience by enabling our website to identify you, either for the duration of your visit (using a ‘session cookie’) or for repeat visits (using a ‘persistent cookie’).  The cookies we use may:

(a)          be strictly necessary to enable you to move around the site or to provide certain basic features; or

(b)          enhance the functionality of our website by storing your preferences, for example. They record the choices that you have made (for example, your username or language selection) and allow us to provide a more personal experience; or

(c)           help us to improve the performance of our website to provide you with a better user experience. Information supplied by these cookies is anonymous and helps us to understand how our visitors use our website so that we can improve how we present our content to you. These services are generally performed by independent measurement and research companies and so the cookies may be third party cookies.

If we did not use cookies, our website would think that you are a new visitor every time you move to a new page on our website – for example, when you enter your login details and move to another page, it will not recognize you and it will not be able to keep you logged in.

We need to use cookies to maintain our website’s effectiveness and to provide you with a user friendly website. Therefore, these cookies cannot be disabled independently and by continuing browsing on our website and using our online services you agree that we may place these cookies on your device.

3.            What to do if you don’t want cookies to be set

The acceptance of the placement of cookies is voluntary. If you prefer, you may block some or all cookies, or delete cookies that have already been set. You can find full details of how to manage and/or opt-out from cookies on different types of web browser on www.aboutcookies.org, or

http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows7/block-enable-or-allow-cookies (for Internet Explorer), or

http://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/enable-and-disable-cookies-website-preferences (for Mozzilla/Firefox)

https://support.google.com/chromeos/answer/95647?hl=en (for Chrome)

http://www.opera.com/help/tutorials/security/privacy/ (for Opera)

However, you need to be aware that if you block or delete strictly necessary, functionality and/or performance cookies sent from our website, you may be unable to use the site.

You can view the types of cookies used on our website and for information on how to change settings for and/or opt-out from the cookies used on our website.

4.            Third party websites

When you use our partners’ websites, a cookie may be set by the visited website. We do not run these sites and therefore we do not control the dissemination of these cookies. You should check the relevant third party website for more information about these.

List of Cookies Used on our Website

1) Name of the Cookie

2) Type of the Cookie

3) Why is it necessary for the website, what kind of functions does it offer to the user?

What kind of data can it access?

4) Lifespan (expiration)

5) How can it be disabled?



2) This cookie is placed by the third party service providers (third party cookie).

3) These cookies are essential for the proper operation of the website. They help to prevent hacker attacks and enhance security.

4) These kinds of cookies are automatically deleted upon closing the website.

5) You can enable or disable the cookies by changing the browser settings. Options may be different in case of each browser. For further information, check the “help” menu in your browser.


1) _ga

2) This cookie is placed by the third party service providers (third party cookie).

3) Used to distinguish users.

4) 2 years

5) You can enable or disable the cookies by changing the browser settings. Options may be different in case of each browser. For further information, check the “help” menu in your browser.


1) _gid

2)This cookie is placed by the third party service providers (third party cookie).

3) Used to distinguish users.

4) 24 hours

5) You can enable or disable the cookies by changing the browser settings. Options may different in case of each browser. For further information, check the “help” menu in your browser.


1) _gat

2) This cookie is placed by the third party service providers (third party cookie).

3) Used to throttle request rate.

4) 1 minute

5) You can enable or disable the cookies by changing the browser settings. Options may different in case of each browser. For further information, check the “help” menu in your browser.


More information about Google Analytics cookies can be found here: https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/analyticsjs/cookie-usage

Cookie use provisions in the most common browsers:

Mozilla Firefox: https://support.mozilla.org/t5/Cookies-and-cache/Enable-and-disable-cookies-that-websites-use-to-track-your/ta-p/2784

Google Chrome: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop&hl=en

Internet Explorer: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/17442/windows-internet-explorer-delete-manage-cookies

Complimentary Full Board Upgrade

Book a stay at ZURI with arrival between November 1st and December 10th and receive a complimentary full board upgrade.

This offer is available only for new reservations made after September 11th and is subject to change.

Enjoy the opportunity to experience all #zurimoments.